After residents of the Town of Fort Myers Beach (FL) incorporated and
created its own Comprehensive Plan, a new Land Development Code was
needed to implement the plan. In 2001, the town retained Spikowski
Planning to create this code.
The complete archives of the code development process remain on-line,
including early drafts of each chapter, summaries of public
participation, details of the adoption process, and prior amendments to
the code.
The Town Council adopted adopted
Ordinance 10-09
on September 20, 2010 to modify parking standards in Chapter 34.
The Town Council adopted adopted
10-06 on May 3, 2010 to change standards for refuse containers in
Chapters 6 and 34.
The Town Council adopted adopted
09-08 on April 5, 2010 regarding LPA membership.
The Town Council adopted adopted
Ordinance 09-02 on April 6, 2009 to change standards and procedures
for administrative amendments to approved master concept plans in
Chapter 34.
The Town Council adopted adopted
Ordinance 09-01 on December 21, 2009 to establish procedures for
vacating real property in Chapter 10.
The Town Council adopted adopted
08-11 on September 15, 2008 to change procedures for appointments to
the Local Planning Agency in Chapter 34.
The Town Council adopted adopted
Ordinance 08-09 on August 18, 2008 to set the lowest floor level for
all new and substantially improved buildings in Chapter 6.
The Town Council adopted adopted
08-03 on April 7, 2008 to modify real estate sign regulations in
Chapter 30.
The Town Council adopted adopted
07-04 on February 22, 2008 to modify lodging regulations in Chapter
The Town Council adopted
07-09 on January 23, 2008 to modify LPA membership terms in Chapter
After earlier public hearings on modified regulations for lodging
establishments at Fort Myers Beach, a final public hearing was held on
February 11, 2008.
07-04 was adopted on that date. Background information is available
here. On May 8, 2007, the Local Planning Agency had recommended
approval of a earlier version of
proposed Ordinance 07-04.
The Town Council adopted
Ordinance 07-03 on April 2, 2007 to modify Chapters 14 and 27 of the
Land Development Code. The primary effect of this ordinance is to
establish policy regarding beach raking.n
Ordinance 06-18 has been adopted by the Town Council amending the
floodplain regulations in Chapter 6 of the land development code and
amending related provisions in Chapter 34 regarding building heights.
The Town Council held its final public public hearing on December 11,
A draft of the ordinance and a transmittal memo as considered at the
final public are still available. The first public hearing was
held on November 6; download the
previous draft of the ordinance or the
transmittal memo. This ordinance was the subject of a previous
public hearing before the Local Planning Agency on September 12, at
which time the LPA reviewed the
first draft of the ordinance, a
transmittal memo; and
review comments regarding proposals by Andrew DeSalvo.
The Town Council adopted adopted
Ordinance 06-14 on September 18, 2006 to modify administrative and
code enforcement regulations in Chapters 1, 2, 10 and 34.
The Town Council adopted adopted
Ordinance 06-13
on June 16, 2006 to modify Chapter 6 regarding lot mowing.
The Local Planning Agency held workshops on December 12, 2006, and
January 23, 2007, to discuss two subjects for potential changes to the
land development code: changes to
coverage percentages, and changes affecting
neighborhood flooding.
On October 10, 2006, the Local Planning Agency held a workshop
concerning the conversion or parcelization of existing hotels and
motels. A background memo is available
Ordinance 06-09 modified the composition of the Local Planning
Agency, effective March 20, 2006.
05-22 increased the number of members of the Local Planning Agency,
effective September 12, 2005.
Replacement pages are now available for both ordinances.
Ordinance 05-24 made an emergency amendment to chapter 14 which has
since expired.
Ordinance 05-21 added a new section 34-636 to chapter 34 which
addresses parcelization and subdivision of existing buildings. This
ordinance was adopted and took effect on June 6, 2005. Replacement pages
are available here.
Two ordinances amending the land development were adopted and took
effect on April 18, 2005:
Ordinance 05-07 made numerous changes to chapters 1, 2, 6, 10, 26,
and 30:
Earlier drafts of these ordinances and all related documents are
available here. Codified versions are
available immediately below.
In early 2005, the Town of Fort Myers Beach considered
two draft ordinances (also see additional proposed changes dated
April 11 and
April 18) that would update the following chapters of the town's
land development code:
Chapter 30: SIGNS
Ordinance 05-07 was adopted on April 18, 2005, amending chapters
1, 2, 6, 10, 26, and 30.
Ordinance 05-08 was adopted on April 18, 2005, amending chapter
Ordinance 05-21 was adopted on June 6, 2005, adding a new
section 34-636 to chapter 34 which addresses parcelization and
subdivision of existing buildings.
Codified versions of these chapters are available
here, including
all changes through Ordinance 05-08. Replacement pages that reflect
Ordinance 05-21 are available here. The previous codification of the
entire code, as amended through Ord. 04-09 but NOT
including these latest ordinances, can be downloaded
The code was overhauled chapter by chapter between 1999 and
2003; these ordinances were to resolve various errors, problems with
implementation, and inconsistencies between chapters. Final public
hearings were held before the
Town Council on April 4 and April 18. Two separate ordinances
were proposed: The first ordinance was to amend chapters 1, 2, 6,
10, 26, and 30, and the second was to amend chapter 34. Both
ordinance drafts and all backup material may be downloaded by
here. These ordinances were formally introduced before the Town
Council on March 21, 2005.
These code updates had been under consideration since June
2004. Early drafts and backup material that went to the Local
Planning Agency for those hearings may be downloaded by
here; also download the January 12 recommendations from MRTF
here; additional backup for the January 25th continuance
here regarding back-lit awnings, exterior lighting, and appeals;
additional backup for the February 8th continuance
here about fill permits, floodplain standards, residential uses
in marinas, and corner visibility; and additional backup for the
February 22nd continuance
here about fill permits, code interpretations, density,
hotels/motels, and storage containers. The LPA directed that
chapters 14 and 27 be
to the Marine Resources Task Force for further consideration.
The Marine Resources Task Force began reviewing drafts of
potential amendments to the Land Development Code regarding
on and along the beachfront in November 2004. Further discussion
was held at the December 8th meeting; backup material for December
8th is available
Final recommendations were made at the January 12 meeting;
backup material for that meeting is available
Proposed changes to Chapters 14 and 27 were later remanded back to
the Marine Resources Task Force for further consideration.
On December 21, 2004, the Local Planning Agency reviewed a
draft of amendments to the Land Development Code chapters 1, 2,
6, 14, 26, 27, 30, and 34. See the preceding item for details on the
upcoming public hearings. (On June 22, the Local Planning Agency
reviewed a
earlier draft of amendments to the Land Development Code
chapters 1, 2, 6, 14, 27, and 34.)
On June 30, 2004, two ordinances amending the Land Development Code
were adopted by the Town Council:
Ordinance 04-08 modifies the regulations for the outdoor display
of merchandise and outdoor dining in the DOWNTOWN zoning district.
The current regulations are found in Section 34-677 of the code.
Click here for the final recommendation of the Local Planning
Agency after their June 8th public hearing.
Ordinance 04-09 amends the town’s floodplain regulations, which
are found in Article IV of Chapter 6 of the land development code.
Floodplain regulations establish minimum floor heights for new and
substantially improved buildings to protect them from future flood
damage. These changes do not alter these minimum heights but affect
many other provisions of these regulations, particularly as they
relate to existing buildings.
Codification pages reflecting the
changes made by Ordinances 04-08 and 04-09 are available
here. The complete Chapter 6 codified through Ordinance 04-09
only is available here.
On May 18, 2004, the Local Planning Agency considered revisions to
the town's
floodplain regulations which are found in Chapter 6 and the
display of merchandise regulations that are found in Chapter 34 of
the Land Development Code. The LPA recommended approval of the
floodplain regulations but continued the public hearing on outdoor
display until the June 8th noon meeting; a revised draft is available
The Local Planning Agency held its formal public hearing on the
new Chapter 10 on November 18, 2003. The LPA voted unanimously to
find this ordinance consistent with the comprehensive plan and to
recommend its approval, including the final proposed changes to §§
10-321(a)(3) and 10-416(c)(7). A revised draft of the proposed
ordinance that reflects the LPA's discussion on September 16 (and
other minor changes) is available with the
complete background
material for that public hearing; please also download a
supplemental memo dated November 17 with additional proposed
changes to 10-321(a)(3) and 10-416(c)(7).
The Local Planning Agency reviewed proposed revisions to Chapter
10 of the Land Development Code on September 16.
Click here to
download all background material for that meeting.
Chapter 10 codified through Ordinance 04-01 only is available
On December 15, 2003, the Town Council adopted amendments to Chapter
2 substituting a special master for Lee County's hearing examiner for
code enforcement cases.
03-12 contains these changes, in underline-strikethrough format for
an easy comparison with the previous chapter.
Codified versions
of this and all
other chapters of the Land Development Code are now available; a
previous codification through Ordinance 03-12 only is available
The Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency discussed
residential design standards again at its meeting on October 21,
2003 at noon at Town Hall. A previous discussion on
subject was held on June 17, 2003.
On June 2, 2003, the Town Council adopted amendments to Chapter 30 on
signs. Ordinance 03-06 contains these amendments.
Codified versions
of this and all other chapters of the Land Development Code are now
available; Chapter 30 codified through Ordinance 03-06 only is availablehere.
A final public hearing was held on March 3, 2003, on the new zoning
chapter (Chapter 34) of the Fort Myers Beach Land Development Code.
Chapter 34 includes a new "interim zoning map" that assigns new zoning
districts to all properties in the town and regulates the short-term
rental of private dwellings in certain single-family neighborhoods.
Ordinance 03-03 was adopted at the conclusion of this public hearing.
Copies of this ordinance can be obtained as follows:
Exhibit A is the interim zoning map as described in Section
34-613(a); it cannot be downloaded at this time, but single copies
are available from Town Hall at no charge.
Codified versions of this and all other chapters of the Land
Development Code are now available.
A brief comparison of the previous and new residential setbacks
can be downloaded
Click here to download the original backup material for the March 3,
2003, public hearing on Chapter 34 and
for a final supplement, which includes revised language on numerous
subjects. This material incorporates all the relevant information from
the January 5 and January 27 memos. Click here for a copy of the
zoning map that was adopted as part of Ordinance 03-03.
Backup material for the previous February 3 hearing
included the
December 17 draft of Chapter 34 and supplemental memos dated
January 5 and
January 27. (For those who downloaded the January 27 memo before
January 30, download a
correction here that affects the VILLAGE zoning district only.)
Due to the extensive public comments and formal
recommendations made at the Local Planning Agency's (LPA) public hearing
on December 17, 2002, the options for regulating short-term rentals were
revised and were included in the
background material for the January 13 meeting; this memo, dated
January 5, also summarizes all actions taken by the LPA on December 17.
transmittal memo for the LPA hearing also contains a copy of the
newspaper advertisement for the LPA hearing. Printed copies of the
entire chapter are now available at Town Hall. The entire text of
Chapter 34 (which does not include the draft interim zoning map) can
also be downloaded here:
ENTIRE CHAPTER 34, LPA Draft for 12-17-02 public hearing
(Entire document except for zoning map; includes ordinance, table of
contents, and Articles I through V -- pp. 1-218).
Article II only, LPA Draft for 12-17-02 public hearing
(Zoning Procedures -- pp. 33-66 only)
Article III only, LPA Draft for 12-17-02 public hearing
(Zoning District Regulations -- pp. 67-132 only)
Article IV only, LPA Draft for 12-17-02 public hearing
(Supplemental Regulations -- pp. 133-206 only)
Article V only, LPA Draft for 12-17-02 public hearing
(Nonconformities -- pp. 207-218 only)
On October 22, 2002, the Town Council and Local
Planning Agency held a joint workshop to review the complete contents of
the zoning chapter (Chapter 34) of the new Land Development Code. The
background material for that workshop can be downloaded here:
The new code proposes the use of floor-area-ratios
(F.A.R.) to cap the size of new buildings. This measure would replace
the current system of "maximum lot coverages."
Click here
for examples of how floor-area-ratios would apply to new homes.
On June 24, 2002, the Town Council held its final
public hearing on some interim changes to Chapter 34. The council
adopted these changes through
Ordinance 02-04, which made the following revisions:
-- Chapter 34, building relocation permits, revising section 34-209
-- Chapter 34, commercial design standards, adding sections
-- Chapter 34, sale of drug paraphernalia, adding sections
The Local Planning Agency has been holding workshops
during 2002 to discuss potential changes to Chapter 34 of the new land
development code:
A joint workshop with the Town Council was held on October 22 to
review the complete draft of Chapter 34. See details above.
On October 15, the LPA discussed the latest draft of Article III
of Chapter 34 of the code (dated October 7, 2002). This article
contains the detailed descriptions of all the new zoning districts.
Click here for a memo
On June 25, the LPA held a workshop to review the latest draft
of Article I and Article III of Chapter 34 of the code (dated June
17, 2002). These articles contain the definitions, the zoning
district regulations, and the new zoning map.
here for a memo explaining these articles. Single copies of the
proposed new zoning map can be obtained at no charge from the Fort
Myers Beach Town Hall.
Click here
for a memo explaining the use of "floor-area-ratios" which would cap
the size of new buildings.
On March 19, the LPA reviewed the latest drafts of Articles I
and II of Chapter 34 of the code.
Click here to download the background material for that
On February 19 the LPA reviewed the latest drafts of Chapter 34
of the code, specifically Article V (supplemental regulations) and
Article VI (nonconforming buildings, uses, and lots).
here to download the background material for that discussion.
On January 15 the LPA discussed potential regulations on
short-term (weekly) rentals of dwelling units.
Click here to download the background material for that
discussion. (The LPA previously discussed this issue on October 16;
click here
to download the background material for that discussion.)
On September 23, 2002, the Town Council held its final
public hearing on a minor change to Chapter 14 and adopted it through
Ordinance 02-29. These revisions are reflected in the latest version of
Chapter 14 which is available below.
02-01 was adopted on February 4, 2002, revising the following
chapters of the Fort Myers Beach Land Development Code:
-- Chapter 1: General Provisions ---
click here to see a
codified version of Chapter 1 as adopted by Ordinance 02-01
-- Chapter 2: Administration (revisions to Article IV on impact fees and
article V on code enforcement only) ---
click here to see a
codified version of Chapter 2 as adopted by Ordinance 02-01
-- Chapter 6: Maintenance Codes, Buildings Codes, and Coastal
Regulations (revisions primarily to Article IV on floodplain
regulations) --- [click
here to download the new floodplain acknowledgment form for use in
complying with section 6-472(5)b.7.; ---
click here to see a
codified version of Chapter 6 as adopted by Ordinance 02-01]
-- Chapter 14: Environment and Natural Resources ---
click here to see a
codified version of Chapter 14 as adopted by Ordinance 02-01
-- Chapter 22: Historic Preservation ---
click here to see a
codified version of Chapter 22 as adopted by Ordinance 02-01
-- Chapter 26: Marine Facilities ---
click here to see a
codified version of Chapter 26 as adopted by Ordinance
On May 17, 2004, the Town Council approved two resolutions that
adopted "official" and "historic" zoning maps for the entire town. These
maps are the result of the new zoning chapter (chapter 34) of the town’s
land development code, which was adopted by Ordinance 03-03 on March 3,
2003 to implement the town’s 1999 Comprehensive Plan.
memos are now available that explain both maps and contain
attachments with drafts of resolutions and reproducible copies of the
The final adopted resolutions are available by clicking below:
Ordinance 03-03 adopted an
"interim" zoning
map that assigned new zoning districts to all land in the town. The
new "official" zoning map uses the same zoning districts as assigned by
Ordinance 03-03 but adds relevant variances, special exceptions, special
permits, rezonings, and similar approvals that were approved by
resolution through April 1, 2004. The conversion of the "interim" zoning
map into the "official" zoning map is mandated by Section 34-614 of the
town’s land development code. The official zoning map includes key
numbers that are explained by detailed notes that provide a record and
index of variances, special exceptions, special permits, and similar
The new "historic" zoning map shows the zoning districts that applied
to all properties immediately prior to the adoption of Ordinance 03-03
and all variances, special exceptions, special permits, and similar
approvals that had been approved by Lee County or the Town of Fort Myers
Beach prior to the adoption of Ordinance 03-03. This map provides a
historic record of past zoning actions and prior zoning status that may
affect the nonconforming status of certain properties within the town.
The historic zoning map also includes key numbers that are explained by
detailed notes that provide a history of prior rezonings, variances,
special exceptions, special permits, and similar approvals that had been
approved before Ordinance 03-03 was adopted on March 3, 2003.
Both of these maps can also be downloaded in files that permit them
to be printed out in full color for wall mounting (up to 36" by 48").
The key numbers refer to the same index of variances and special
exceptions in the resolutions.