TO: Local Planning Agency
FROM: Bill Spikowski and Carol Cunningham
DATE: August 29, 1996
SUBJECT: Your September 3rd Meeting
Attached is additional material for your review prior to our meeting on September 3.
Several LPA members did not have sufficient time to review the extensive material we circulated prior to your August 20 meeting. Therefore we will begin our portion of this meeting by giving all members a chance to bring up any additional responses they may have had to either the policy analysis, which was printed on gray paper, or the technical analysis, which was printed on ivory paper. The conclusion of those analyses were the basis for the work program, the first draft of which is attached.
Also attached is a preliminary analysis of level-of-service (LOS) standards. These standards must be adopted into your new plan. This is an informational item at this time, but comments are welcome. If we have time on September 3, we will also be presenting our initial evaluation of two additional types of government agencies that the town could create, a stormwater utility and its own CRA.
Our next meeting will be the joint workshop with the Town Council on September 10. Victor Dover will be returning that evening. We expect to further discuss the concept of simplified development regulations, and to identify the priority land-use issues that you will address in detail in the immediate future. We also expect to have the final versions of the map series for that evening.
Our last scheduled meeting with you is planned for September 17, but we may also conduct a workshop on pressing zoning issues on September 24.