TO: Local Planning Agency

FROM: Bill Spikowski and Carol Cunningham

DATE: December 10, 1996

SUBJECT: LPA Meeting of December 17, 1996


The following back-up material is being submitted to you in preparation for your meeting of December 17th, to be held at noon at Town Hall:

  1. A complete draft of the public participation plan, based on our discussion on November 26th. Please be prepared to make any final changes to this document, which will then be forwarded to the Town Attorney for presentation to the Council for final adoption.
  2. A revised preliminary "vision statement." Review the final portion carefully, as it defines seven geographic "planning areas" and contains some thoughts on how each might be treated in your comprehensive plan.
  3. A report from Camp Dresser & McKee, your stormwater sub-consultants, with background material and policy ideas for your stormwater management element. Michael Heyl and Scott McClelland of CDM will attend this meeting to discuss their observations and preliminary ideas.

During this meeting, we will also be outlining a plan for your community workshop scheduled for January 31 and February 1 of 1997.