TO: Local Planning Agency
FROM: Bill Spikowski
DATE: February 11, 1997
SUBJECT: Trend Toward Commercialization at Fort Myers Beach
One of the critical land-use issue that we decided to consider this winter has been called
the "creeping commercialization" of Fort Myers Beach. This term reflects the fear that
commercial development will continue to expand into previously residential areas, and also
a perception that more commercial development may occur at Fort Myers Beach than is
needed to serve the peak capacity of residents and visitors.
In some communities, even the rental of dwellings is considered to be a form of commercial
use. Given the resort nature of Fort Myers Beach, however, this discussion will focus on
retail, office, restaurant, and entertainment uses. Such activities take place at Times Square
and in modern shopping centers; and also in single-tenant ground-level buildings, converted
homes, and multistory buildings such as resort hotels.
In Lee County (including Fort Myers Beach), new commercial development can take place
only when it is on land that is properly zoned and when the proposed development is
consistent with the comprehensive plan. The "plan consistency" requirement was added in
1984 in an (as yet uncompleted) effort to resolve decades of overly generous zoning
decisions throughout the county. This effort has led to the unfortunate interim situation
where a parcel may be zoned for wide variety of commercial uses but whose use in fact is
significantly restricted by the comprehensive plan. This uncertainty seems to confuse
landowners, prospective purchasers, and adjoining owners almost equally, and was much
of the basis for the protracted litigation over the Diamondhead project.
At present, the comprehensive plan designates privately owned land at Fort Myers Beach
into one of two categories: "Suburban" or "Urban Community." Very little land is now
zoned commercially in the "Suburban" category; and no land there may be rezoned for
further commercial uses (see Policy 18.2.1).
Land in the "Urban Community" category includes most of the existing commercial and
mixed-use zoning. Two special restrictions apply in that category: even for existing
commercial zoning, "commercial development shall not expand or intrude into residential
neighborhoods"; and any commercial rezonings must use the negotiated "Commercial
Planned Development" zoning district (also in Policy 18.2.1).
Most of the commercially zoned land at Fort Myers Beach is in the C-1 zoning district.
This district allows all residential uses and many commercial uses as well. This mixed-use
character isn't inherently wrong, and in fact is coming back into favor in many places
throughout the country. However, in an environment where most other zoning categories
allow only a single type of land uses (residential, or commercial, or industrial) and where
there is only limited control of the intensity of permitted uses, the C-1 district has caused a
great deal of difficulty.
Before designing a better system than is currently in use, the town needs to decide on its
planning goals for future commercial development. The following discussion suggests such a
Despite the intensity of disputes over proposed commercial development at Fort Myers
Beach, there seems to be considerable consensus on several major points:
- The present concentration of commercial uses in the "Times Square" area
is good for Fort Myers Beach. Despite the severe congestion during the peak
season and a general seediness that had been developing, Times Square provides an
urban beach environment that does not exist elsewhere in Lee County, and which
cannot be duplicated anywhere because of today's floodplain regulations. The recent
CRA improvements have sparked a renewed interest in Times Square among most
islanders, and should spur a healthy redevelopment movement to upgrade existing
- The Villa Santini area serves as a very different kind of commercial center
for the south end of the island, one that is equally important for seasonal
guests and for permanent residents. The Villa Santini Plaza itself functions as an
important gathering place despite its unfriendly shopping-center design. Given the
central location and unfragmented ownership, it is important that this area retain its
commercial functions. But the next generation of buildings there should integrate
other uses and be designed to establish a unique physical identity for the south end of
the island.
- Commercial uses at other locations, especially those providing everyday
neighborhood conveniences, are valuable in reducing traffic congestion, but
many businesses are in unattractive standardized buildings that detract from
their neighborhoods. This is partly a result of the economies of standardization, as
well as local regulations that don't adequately address the physical context in which
commercial uses occur.
- Widespread commercial expansions will not be needed because the local
population will soon be reaching its maximum level. Peak-season congestion
from the existing level of guests and residents, plus day-visitors to Fort Myers
Beach, is already extreme. This congestion severely limits the potential for
commercial attractions that would bring an additional increment of visitors during the
peak season (although the island could accommodate additional visitors during
non-peak periods).
- Given the aging buildings that currently house many commercial uses,
substantial redevelopment should be anticipated, and can be encouraged or
required to take place in ways that will improve the community. A critical
task of the Town over the coming year will be to evaluate the potential (and also the
limits) of a focused redevelopment plan that specifically addresses commercial uses.
If a consensus does exist on these observations, the next step is to begin formulating the
concepts which would underlie your new comprehensive plan as it applies to future
commercial development. Based on the LPA's work to date, including the recent
community design workshop, the following concepts seem to be emerging:
- The CRA plan for the Times Square area (including Old San Carlos Drive) has
withstood intense public scrutiny and is a sound basis for the Town's policy there,
especially the incremental redevelopment of existing buildings at ground level.
Additional work that is needed includes:
- Further development of the shared-parking concept for the rear portion of
lots on both sides of Old San Carlos Drive;
- Resolution (or rejection) of the "dry-floodproofing" concept for new
commercial buildings, with a reevaluation of other options if dry-floodproofing
isn't technically or financially feasible; and
- Refinement or reformulation of the redevelopment overlay district to simplify
its use.
- The form of future redevelopment in the Villa Santini area was discussed extensively
during the community design workshop and is being further refined by Dover, Kohl
& Partners at this time. The resulting concepts will be presented to the property
owner and then to the public in March. If these concepts capture the public's interest
and can balance numerous competing demands, they can be integrated into your
new comprehensive plan. (We will have an opportunity to test the new concepts in
the coming months during the CPD rezoning process for the proposed Eckerd
- The form of future redevelopment in the Villa Santini area was discussed extensively
during the community design workshop and is being further refined by Dover, Kohl
& Partners at this time. The resulting concepts will be presented to the property
owner and then to the public in March. If these concepts capture the public's interest
and can balance numerous competing demands, they can be integrated into your
new comprehensive plan. (We will have an opportunity to test the new concepts in
the coming months during the CPD rezoning process for the proposed Eckerd
- Additional commercial demand (as well as rebuilding of existing uses) can be
accommodated through well-focused policies. For instance:
- The desired intensity of uses can be accommodated at Times Square and
along Old San Carlos Drive through the CRA plan. This plan retains
ground-level shops and restaurants built to the right-of-way line and with little
or no setback to side property lines, but requires that shared parking be
provided and current floodplain regulations followed.
- The Times Square level of intensity, however, need not extend into continuous
linear development down Estero Boulevard. The current mixed-use character
of land along Estero Boulevard down to the Gulfview Shops does not have to
be thought of as a transitional phase resulting in either high-rise residential
buildings or continuous strip commercial development.
- Some very early commercial buildings remain in use along Estero Boulevard
today, and many existing cottages have been converted for commercial
purposes. The result is a pleasant if somewhat disjointed environment, one
that would attract many more pedestrians if adequate sidewalks and street
trees were provided. A combination of strengthening and loosening of existing
regulations could support this mixed-use pattern rather than restricting it.
Revisions could include relaxed setbacks for cottages; allowing additional
cottages to be moved in as they become available; and graphic design
guidelines so that additional units or building expansions maintain (rather than
replace) the historic character. (The image to keep in mind would be more
buildings like the Huston Studio at 2101 Estero Boulevard.)
- The plan's prohibition against new commercial uses in residential areas could be
made much more specific in all geographic areas where that policy continues to be
- Allowable levels of commercial accessory uses in or near resort housing could be
established. This could avoid potential expansions into freestanding commercial uses
in otherwise residential neighborhoods.
- Graphic design guidelines could be established for the replacement of existing
commercial buildings elsewhere on the island. Property owners would know in
advance what kind of the character the town is expecting, reducing the uncertainty
that now prevails through the use of the Commercial Planned Development rezoning
We should discuss these ideas, and any others you would like to offer, at your meeting on
February 18. The format and precise wording of the policies and any maps aren't important
at this time, but your reactions to these concepts are needed before the consulting team
proceeds further.