TO: Town Council and Local Planning Agency

FROM: Bill Spikowski

DATE: March 12, 1998

SUBJECT: Joint Workshop on March 19, 1998



Attached for your review are the two elements we will be discussing at your joint workshop on March 19 at 6:30 P.M, the Transportation and Future Land Use Elements. Tables of contents for each are also attached.

Both of these elements have previously been revised by the Local Planning Agency, (with the exception of the sections containing goals, objectives, and policies). For the convenience of LPA members, I am attaching a summary of changes made to other parts of each document since their prior review of each. (LPA members will not be receiving either Appendix A or B to the Transportation Element, or another copy of the color maps in the Future Land Use Element.)

The purpose of this meeting is for the Town Council to discuss their reactions to these elements with the LPA, and for the LPA to comment on the revisions made to these elements since their previous meetings.


Synopsis of changes to comprehensive plan elements after previous LPA meetings:

Future Land Use Element


Transportation Element