TO: Town Council and Local Planning Agency
FROM: Bill Spikowski and Carol Cunningham
DATE: October 13, 1997
SUBJECT: Joint Workshop on October 21, 1997
Attached for your review are the three elements we
will be discussing at your joint workshop on October
21 at 6:30 P.M. These are fairly complete drafts of
the Recreation, Coastal Management, and
Conservation Elements; a table of contents for each
is attached.
All three elements have been reviewed by the Local
Planning Agency. For the convenience of LPA
members, I am attaching a summary of changes made
to these elements since their prior review of each.
The purpose of this meeting is for the Town Council
to discuss their reactions to these elements with the
LPA, and for the LPA to comment on the revisions
made to these elements since their previous meetings.
Synopsis of changes to comprehensive
plan elements since previous LPA
Recreation Element (discussed on September 16,
- modified the Goal to add "active recreation
- modified Policy 2-B regarding alternate means
of transportation to Bowditch Point
- modified Policy 3-B regarding the existing pier
below the Matanzas Pass Bridge (also
discussed on page 9)
- added Policy 9-C regarding cost-sharing
mechanisms for tourism impacts
- modified discussions on page 8 concerning
parking and public dockage at Bowditch Point
and potential replacement of some parking at
Lynn Hall Park
- added paragraph on page 21 concerning Lee
County's responsibility for cost-sharing on
tourist-related improvements
- [Dan Parker has agreed to verify beach
access points, as requested by the LPA]
- [Lee Tran is trying to locate data on usage
of the trolley that used to loop from the
Main Street parking lot to Bowditch Point,
as requested by the LPA]
Coastal Management Element (discussed on
September 2 and October 7, 1997)
- revised text on page 20 and Policy 4-A(ii)
about vehicles on the beach; created Policy
4-A(iii) that refers to the substance of the new
policy, which is located in a significantly
revised Conservation Policy 5-D(iii);
renumbered the remainder of Policy 4-A
- modified Policy 4-A(vi) (now vii) to explain
the phrase "terminal groin"
- revised Policy 5-C and created a new Policy
5-D committing the town to remove
encroachments from water access points;
renumbered the remaining policies under
Objective 5
Conservation Element (last discussed on October
7, 1997)
- revised page 17 on factors affecting sea turtle
nesting, to reflect LPA direction on October 7
- modified Policy 1-B for grammatical
- modified Policy 1-D to suggest additional roles
for the marine task force
- modified Policy 2-A to add resource
protection as a priority
- modified Policies 4-B and 4-C to reflect
current rule numbers and permit names
- modified Policy 4-D(ii) to add an additional
permitted activity
- modified Policy 4-D(iv) for clarity and to
avoid any inference that it overrides the
previous subsections
- modified Objective 5 to reflect LPA's
direction on the transition to a natural beach
- modified Policy 5-D to reflect LPA's direction
on vehicles on the beach